I've been following Gretchen Rubin since last year after reading her book, The Happiness Project. Since we're getting close to another new year, most of us are thinking ahead to our new year's resolutions. I personally have never really been one to make resolutions because like most of us, I usually fail to achieve them. Today I read Gretchen's post looking at this from another perspective. Instead of making new year's resolutions, think about a one word theme for the coming year. Think about what one word would encompass what you want or need to accomplish. I gave it some thought and to be honest, I have not been able to nail down one word, but I have narrowed it down to 3. My words are, GOALS, CHANGE AND THRIVE. I'm leaning towards change because goals and thriving can fall under the category of change. I like the idea of THRIVE, because as another reader stated in her comment, she wants to "thrive instead of survive." I like that idea a lot, because that's exactly how I feel, like I've just been surviving and not thriving and that needs to change. There's that word again....CHANGE.
Think about it, what would your word be?
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