I am a bit freakish about my books. This morning I went looking for a certain book, only to discover it was not on my bookshelf. I searched all over the house and could not find it. So, my concern is that I might have inadvertently given it away during a recent cleaning out and de-cluttering. We hauled off several boxes and bags of clothes, books, nick knacks etc. I read the book once already, but I want to read it again because the subject matter is something of which I have first hand knowledge and would like to write about here on my blog. This will drive me crazy, wondering what has happened to it; I'm very protective of my books. I will admit, some may think it's crazy, but I'm very selfish with my books. Most of the time if I read a book that I think a friend will like, I will likely go out and buy them their own copy, rather than give away mine. I have quite a few books that I would like to reread because at the time I was reading it there may have been a lot of distractions and I wasn't able to fully absorb the material. I'll go back at a later date to read it again to really absorb the book. So the search is on, it has to be here somewhere.